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Mar 2015 black belt test

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Yoshitsune Waza shodan kata 7
Yoshitsune Waza shodan kata 8
Yoshitsune Waza shodan kata 15, beginning
Yoshitsune Waza shodan kata 15, end
Yoshitsune Waza nidan kata 13
Yoshitsune Waza sandan kata 11

compound kote gaeshi - with proper tai sabaki!

unprogrammed responses to straight attacks
defending against body grabs
defending against body grabs
defending against body grabs

shiho nage

nikajo as a finish to a kaeshi waza - with proper tai sabaki!
defending against unarmed attacks
defending against knife threats, using a restraint
unprogrammed responses to knife attacks
pin off knife attack, weapon recovery
defending against kicks
defending against a kick - thanks, but I already ate!
kick defenses
flying in to kick the person on the ground - he'll be heading down shortly!
defending against being dragged by the wrists
defending against being attacked with a bat
defending against being attacked with a bat
defending against being attacked with a bat
defending against being attacked with a bat
defending against being attacked with a bat - elbows make great levers (if you're being nice!)
defending using a hanbo
defending using a hanbo - and here we have ryoho no ri, the two defenders used the same defense, but went different directions
defending using a hanbo
defending using a hanbo
defending against sleeper hold
kami ware at different stages of completion
kami ware
knife randori
knife randori
knife randori - controlling the joint before getting rid of the attacker

knife randori - we're not always linear, and the attacker helps take himself down!
nage no kata (modified, not the pure Kodokan version)
nage no kata, ippon seoi nage at various stages of completion
explaining what "self defense" is
explaining the OODA loop
defending against a long gun
defending against a long gun - recover it, get distance, control the attacker
defending against handguns
defending against handguns - recover the weapon, get distance, control the attacker
explaining the rules of firearm safety
don't get in this position - but if you do, you can still defend yourself
stuck up at the ATM...
stuck up at the ATM...
defending against multiple attackers (amusingly, this is very similar to a picture from his shodan test!)
defending against multiple attackers - get rid of one, look for the next
defending against multiple attackers - get rid of one, look for the next
grenade - the grin is because sometimes we forget to pull these out for the test!
getting their belts - sandan (in the middle) was given his first
happy candidates, happy ukes - life is good!
new shodan, new shodan, new sandan, and ukes